Did you know?

Sepsis is responible for

deaths worldwide every year

Weezion dx

Patented Technology

Weezion dx is a patented technology for in-vitro diagnosis of sepsis bacteremia or fungemia. From a positive blood culture vial, the Weezion dx technology identifies the microorganism causing sepsis (bacteria or yeast) and predicts its antibiotic resistance within 90 minutes…compared to 24 hours today!  

Reducing this diagnostic time greatly increases the patient survival rate, as the latter is inversely proportional to the time taken to administer an appropriate treatment; thus, the survival rate drops from 80% to 20% if the appropriate treatment can be administered within 12 hours. *

*Kumar A et al. Crit Care Med. 2006 ;34 :1589-96) 

icone microscope


Thanks to Weezion's patented method using mass spectrometry, the pathogen (bacteria or yeast) responsbile for sepsis can be identified through a deterministic sampling of a large panel of protein peptide reporters.

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Resistance Profile

The Weezion dx diagnostic method makes it possible to jointly detect and quantify the proteins involved in antiobiotic resistance, thus predicting the antibiotic resistance profile of the pathogen.

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The diagnosis obtained by the Weezion dx ensures that an effective and targeted antibiotic treatment can be adminstered, reducing the use of broad-spectrum therapies that increase antibiotic resistance, declared as a glocal cause by the WHO.

icone check list pour illustrer la virulence


The Weezion dx method detects and quantifies bacterial virulence factors. It is currently operational for Staphylococcus aureus, one of the main major bacteremia pathogens.

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Test- Diagnose - Save Lives

Tomorrow with Weezion dx

Only critical cases are tested and diagnosed, and in general they are treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. They don't represent the majority of those infected. This means that a large number of patients do not have access to treatment at an early stage of their infection. 

Administering the right antibiotic fasterreduces

Secondary effects

Risk of complications

Cost of treatment

Length of hospital stays

Antibiotic resistance

… and Saves Lives!

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